Sustainable development and Humanitarian Action (SDHA) has entered into cooperation with Toilettes du Monde (TDM), a France based international NGO specialized in sanitation sector.
From 10th to 19th SDHA welcomed TDM in working visit in Rwanda for the new cooperation in water and sanitation areas. TDM’s Eng. Bardia Thiombiano, the urban Engineer and architect, is working with SDHA Team for the new cooperation on both organizations to enhance water supply and sanitation technologies in Rwanda.
The working visit was marked by visits to Public institutions, UN, Cooperation Agencies and Districts in Rwanda to assess the current policies, priorities and actions in the water and sanitation sectors in order to identify potential programs for the future cooperation.
Since over 16 years, TDM is committed to find technical solutions to sanitation. TDM has proven experience in addressing issues of sanitation in both Europe and international levels. In Africa, TDM works in Maghreb countries, central and West Africa namely Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria Gabon, Tchad, Burundi among others.