SDHA Attended the High-Level Conference EU-Africa in Brussels, Belgium

SDHA Chairperson ( R) with a partner at the conference

Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Action (SDHA) was invited among other African NGOs to represent the African Civil Society Organizations at the High-Level Meeting organized by European Union in Brussels, Belgium on November 11th, 2017.

The High-level conference was organized and chaired by the European Parliament and had the intent to consult multilevel stakeholders at global, continental and national levels in order to make preliminary discussions and preparation of the next intercontinental high level summit between African Union and European Union on Africa-EU partnership renewal summit scheduled 28-29/11/2017 at Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire.

The Conference was attended by the countries representatives on Africa and Europe (Heads of States and Governments delegates), Parliament commissioners of EU and PanAfrican parliament, UN organizations, Heads of International Organizations and multinationals, private sector communities, Representatives of Civil Society organizations, researchers and academia, just to name the few.

The high level conference was chaired by Honorable Antonio Tajan the Head of EU Parliament and Key key notes speakers on Africa side were His Excellences President of Central Africa H.E Faustin-Archange Touadéra , delegates Minsters from Mali, Nigeria, Panafican Parliament, Civil society and private sector representatives. In their speeches, the African Leaders insisted that Africa needs a real partnership leading to its social economic transformation and in favor of Africans.

The conference was an opportunity for participants to discuss on very hotspot issues that  include but not limited private Sector Investment, Education, humanitarian issues.

It was highlighted that Africa has huge potentialities for private investments namely roads network, Transport, energy, industries investment that would transformation change in reducing poverty, boosting African economy and improving livelihoods especially jobs creation for youth.

Education was seen as an asset to tap into the African huge potential for its development. With a core transformation, education sector was recommended as an option to boost Africa’s development through various opportunities such as enhancement of Erasmus program for Africa scholarships among other initiatives.

On humanitarian issues, many speakers especially from African and Civil Society organizations energetically condemned the Slaves trade in Libya and the inhuman way the migrants are treated. They called leaders from both continents to tackle the issue as a priority of first order. It has been discussed that Migrants should not be seen as a constraint rather an opportunity for economic growth. The best ways to resolve the problem are to both accept migrants in formal way and set up appropriate strategies to improve livelihoods attracting youth to stay in their home countries.

SDHA is committed and will hand with other world stakeholders through advocacy and community based actions to ensure equity, dignity and sustainable livelihoods of all humans’/world people.